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For Forest Forge Theatre Company.

Touring from September the 22nd 2018



A new play, Hidden is written by Vickie Donoghue and based on the novel by Miriam Halahmy. Set on Hayling Island, it’s the story of a friendship between a girl and a boy from different ethnic backgrounds, and their decisions about what is morally right and the rule of law.

Directed by Stuart Mullins from Cardboard Citizens. Designed by David Haworth.

Hidden model.jpg

Scale model of the set for Hidden, designed by David Haworth


Never promise something you can’t deliver. You know how easy it is;

“I promise to be good” “I promise I will never lie” “I promise my daughter can turn straw into gold…”

The Miller’s daughter is in a pickle, thanks to her father and his silly promise. How on earth do you turn straw into gold. 

Well there’s a certain little man who knows how…

From the team that brought last year’s hit ‘The Frog Prince and other Tales’ Forest Forge and BumbleFly Theatre Companies take to the road again with this brand-new adaptation of the classic Grimm’s Fairy-tale.

The Travelling Players will bring their trademark anarchic storytelling and beautiful imagery to this well-known story of the short man with the very long name. Along the way we will meet a host of other fairy-tale characters getting caught up in the fun. With magical effects and songs to have you singing your way home, this treasure trove of storytelling will shine like gold!

Rumpelstiltskin Written and Directed by David Haworth

For BumbleFly Theatre and Forest Forge Theatre Company

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